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Holywell Educate Together National School, Swords, Co. Dublin
Applications for our Autism Classes & Senior Infants - 6th Class open at 10am on Monday 7th April 2025
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Welcome from Principal

Welcome to Holywell ETNS!

On behalf of the community of Holywell ETNS I would like to welcome you to our wonderful school. I was appointed Principal of Holywell ETNS in June 2010 and we opened in September that year with 21 pupils and three staff members. Today we have over 80 staff members and 677 pupils. The school is housed in a beautiful state of the art building consisting of a 24 classroom school with four special classes for children with autism.

We also have the use of a spacious sports hall, which we share with Holywell Community Centre.

Why should you enrol your child in our school?

Holywell ETNS is a fully inclusive school. The Educate Together idea is simple: educate children in an all-inclusive environment, with respect for all, irrespective of gender, religion, physical ability, ethnic or social background. All children are cherished. The ethos of the school is the “characteristic spirit or attitudes” of our community. This distinctive spirit that is felt, witnessed, embraced and developed in school.

The centre of all interactions and considerations within the school is the child. Encouraging and supporting our schoolchildren’s safe, healthy and happy development is our shared priority. We hold all children, staff, parents and guardians as equally respected and valued members in our school community. All members share responsibility for the life, spirit and on-going development of our school.

We would be delighted for you to visit and join our school and wish all our students and families the very best for the new school year.

Maria Boyne


School Staff 2024-25

Principal: Maria Boyne

Deputy Principal: Cathal Manning

Teaching Staff

Junior Infants

Michaela Murray

Keira Hillary

Gráinne Burke

Senior Infants


Clare Reilly

Zara Slattery

Kayleigh Golden

1st class

Rob Kennedy

Mark Brennan

Kayleigh O’Sullivan

2nd class


Alana Kelly

Sarah Markham

Elaine Guerin

3rd class

Ciara Drumm Quill

Alison Lynch

John O’Brien

4th class

Vincent Traynor

Evan Mc Girl

Fiona Murray

5th class

Dermot Kelly

Claire Roe

Stuart Purcell

6th class

Joshua Jacob

Eileen Gamble

Richie Gleeson


Autism Class Teachers

Mark Lawless


Fiona Lavelle


Alexine Greene


Eddie Sweeney



Special Education Teachers

Suzie Lewis

Eimear Heron

Saidhbhín Mulchrone

Brónagh Leddy

Emma Conlon

Alison Lynch

Niamh Nic Gearailt

Laura Conway

Barbara O’Kelly/Bronwyn Kelly

Alison O’Brien

Chus Rodriguez Lamas

Ashlene Ennis

Fiona Victory

Louise Lynch/ Amanda Appleby

Chloe Mc Kane

Caoimhe Markham

Mark Reynolds

Luke Lennon

Care Team Leader & Nurture Schools

Erica Hogan


Non-Teaching Staff

Additional Needs Assistants (ANAs)

Jennifer Sheehan       Ann Kelly       Wendy Russell           Alicia Alonso       Karen Mc Dermott

Siobhán Curley     Sharon Reilly        Siobhán O’ Brien       Emma Masterson      Cecilia Kelly

Linda Byrne     Mags Evans      Martina Reilly           Denise Conroy     Emer Reynolds

Caroline Mulhern       Jeff Deering     Aoife Johnson     Jean Reddy     Leisa Coughlan

Lisa Heraghty          Fintan Counihan        Marian Kelly     Cora Hannon     Niamh Tracey

Yvonne Sweeney       Cronagh Connolly      Mandy Johnson         Jessica Finlay-McGuire     Edel Doyle

Office Administrators:

Leona Nolan & Martina Downes


Tom Reid

Flavia Leandro Botaro

Bus Escorts:
Mary Colgan & Catherine Ruddy