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Holywell Educate Together National School, Swords, Co. Dublin
Applications for our Autism Classes & Senior Infants - 6th Class open at 10am on Monday 7th April 2025
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Mission Statement/Ethos

Mission Statement for Holywell E.T.N.S.

Holywell Educate Together National School stands tall and proud of its school community. At Holywell, we are firmly rooted in the values of equality, democracy and inclusion, bearing the fruits of empathy, compassion and confidence in our pupils. Every child here will have a passion for learning and will be sensitively nurtured and sustained from bud to blossom to reach their full heights, like The Tree.

Is údar mórtais do Scoil Náisiúnta Foghlaim le Chéile An Tobair Naofa a pobal scoile. Anseo ag An Tobair Naofa cuirimid luachanna an comhionannais, an daonlathais agus an chuimsithe mar shíolta agus bainimid amach torthaí na tuiscine, an chomhbhá agus na muiníne inár gcuid scoláirí dá bharr. Beidh grá don fhoghlaim ag gach scoláire d’ár gcuid agus cothófar go lách, tuisceanach iad le fás ó shíol go mbláthfaidh siad; ar nós An Chrainn.