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Holywell Educate Together National School, Swords, Co. Dublin
Applications for our Autism Classes & Senior Infants - 6th Class open at 10am on Monday 7th April 2025
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Board of Management

What is a Board of Management (BOM)?

A BOM manages the school on behalf of the Patron. In the case of our school, Educate Together is the school Patron. The BOM runs the school, is the employer & has legal responsibility for everything that happens in the school. BOM members are personally indemnified for their actions as a BOM, assuming they work within the guidelines.

The Boards of Management (BOM) of every primary school in the country dissolved on 30th November 2023. New Boards of Management were constituted, for the 4-year term 2023-2027. They began on the 1st December 2023. The governance manual outlines how this happens, and the roles and responsibilities of the BOM. You can find the full governance manual her:

Training is provided by Patrons and all BOM members will be trained.

There are 8 members on our Board of Management.

  • 2 Patron nominees, chosen by our patron, Educate Together.
  • The Principal
  • A teacher nominee - Teachers will vote to determine who becomes teacher nominee.
  • 2 Parent nominees - Parents will vote to determine who becomes parent nominees.
  • 2 Community Nominees - These are people not directly connected to the school, who are chosen & appointed by the other 6 Board Members after they're appointed, for skills they can bring to the Board.

What are BOMs responsible for?

There is a long list, outlined below. Each item has a section in the governance manual, if you would like more information.


➡️Resources (oversight)

➡️School Leadership


➡️School Plan

➡️School Self Evaluation

➡️ Finance

➡️Charities regulatory compliance

➡️Child Protection



➡️Protected Disclosures

➡️Use of school premises

➡️Health & Safety


➡️Energy Management

➡️Appointment of staff


Where possible, Board members should not be related to each other or to any staff member. There are two parent nominee positions to be filled and they are separated into a "Mothers" panel and a "Fathers panel" and must be filled by one man and one woman. The aim is to ensure some gender representation on the Board. Membership of the Board of Management ends if your child leaves the school during the term of office, and you are replaced.

Electing Parent Nominees

Schools are given options for electing nominees, a meeting for nomination and election, or a write in process for nomination followed by another write in vote. We are using the option to elect the parent nominees by writing.

Key Points

  • The Chairperson will seek nominations for parents interested in becoming Parent nominees. Parents can self-nominate. If you chose to nominate yourself, then you must indicate your willingness to have your name and the class(es) your child(ren) attend circulated to each household in the school. Those accepting nomination are asked to provide a short personal profile for inclusion on the ballot paper. By providing this, you are giving your consent to circulate this information amongst the school community of parents/guardians.
  • A list of all parents who wish to nominate themselves for election will then be distributed to the parents in the school for election.
  • There will be a list of ’Mothers’ and a list of ‘Fathers’ to vote for. You can vote once for the "Mother's" panel and once for the "Father's" panel.
  • If there is only one nomination, for either position, then they are automatically elected.
  • This will be done by secret ballot through a link by email.
  • The votes will be counted by the Patron nominee on the Board of Management.
  • The highest number of votes will be elected to each panel.
  • In the event of a tied vote between nominees the election of the nominee(s) shall be determined by the drawing of lots.
  • The result of the ballot shall be notified to parents/guardians and to the patron’s representative.

Meetings & Commitment

Boards of Management are obliged to meet at minimum 5 times a year, including once each term. Our Board meets twice each term, or 6 times in the school year. Meetings generally take 2 hours, in the evenings. Times and dates of meetings will be agreed by the Board once formed.

It is best practice that the Parent Nominees of the Board attend Parent Teacher Guardian Association (PTGA) meetings.

Confidentiality & Representation

All BOM proceedings are absolutely confidential. The BOM will agree an 'agreed report' at the end of meetings to share with the community. Outside of this, nothing can be discussed, including with family.

Teacher & parent nominees are not representing those groups. They do not bring issues from those groups to the Board or report back. They are providing a perspective from an individual parent or teacher, but are not a route directly to the Board. Any issues to be raised at board level would go through the usual channels via the Class Teacher, the Principal (as secretary) and the Chairperson.

Why should I nominate myself?

Being on a Board of Management gives a unique insight into how a school runs day to day, how decisions are made, what the school is working on, policies etc. It's your chance to have your voice at the table where final decisions are made. Schools cannot run without Boards of Management, and without 2 parent volunteers willing to give their time, the Board cannot be formed. Every parent has something to offer the Board of Management, we hope that many of you will consider it.


Current Board of Management of Holywell ETNS

The Board of Management of Holywell ETNS was appointed in November 2023 and will have a four-year term.

Chairperson & Patron Nominee – Denis Brennan

Principal & Secretary to the Board – Maria Boyne

Teacher Nominee – Claire Roe

Parent Nominees – Emma Walsh & Johnathan Harris

Treasurer & Patron Nominee – Carolyn Barnes

Community Nominees – Gráinne Mc Kenna & Ken Duffy